I recently started doing an evaluation of JetBrains’ ReSharper and DevExpress’ CodeRush. Both are developer productivity tools for Visual Studio that give you code templates (shorthand notation that pumps out full sections of code), refactoring tools, code metrics and analysis, and much more. I had been contemplating getting ReSharper (R#) for a while now as it seems to be by far the most popular. However, recently I attended a presentation at a local user group by Gary Short, a Microsoft MVP from Scotland who actually works at DevExpress and told me about CodeRush. As I looked it up, I saw great reviews of it across the board to the point that many R# devs were making the switch. As I looked more into it, I saw solid community support (headed up by Rory Becker), and that CodeRush was an great platform to write plugins if I so chose later on.
With that said, I’ll be writing my experience and logging helpful sites and tips that I find out as I go along with my evaluation of CodeRush. Is there anything you ReSharper guys want me to look into? Things that I should be aware of?